New York City HVAC Technician Schools

What Is A HVAC Technician?

If you are looking for a career that you can grow gain a steady income as well as a trade then you should consider going into heating ventilation and air conditioning. HVAC technicians are skilled individuals who undergo a great deal of training and are well educated in their field. With a license in HVAC you can choose the type of work that would like to specialize in. You can work in both residential and commercial or industrial construction.

Salaries for HVAC Technicians in the New York City Area

New York City is the metropolitan area with the highest employment levels for HVAC technicians in the entire country. Currently the average salary for a heating ventilation air condition technician in the New York City area is approximately $57,100. This is much higher than the national average salary. There are salaries both lower and higher. HVAC is a great field to go into if you are looking for hands on position.

Training for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technicians in New York City

Heating ventilation and air conditioning technicians need proper training to get the types of jobs that will foster a great work environment as well as job security. If you reside in the New York City area and are interested in obtaining training in heating ventilation and air conditioning there are a number of options for you.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.