HVAC Schools in New Jersey

HVAC schools in New Jersey offer quality education and comprehensive degree programs. During your HVAC training in New Jersey, you will become accustomed with several HVAC systems, including heaters, refrigerators, and air conditioners. Your time will be spent in the classroom learning the technical aspects of these systems in addition to hands on training.

In a state with some of the highest paid HVAC jobs in the country, the HVAC schools in New Jersey are a great place to earn your degree. No matter what type of technician you wish to become, the HVAC schools in New Jersey can provide you with the resources you need to reach your goals. Browse our list of HVAC schools in New Jersey below and get started today!

HVAC Technicians in New Jersey

Due to the nature of the job, the HVAC job description can vary from technician to technician. Generally, HVAC workers spend their time performing maintenance and repairs on temperature control systems. The HVAC schools in New Jersey will teach you how to both install and repair the most common HVAC systems such as air conditioners, heaters, and refrigerators. Some technicians decide to specialize in one or more areas within the HVAC field. For example, some technicians only install air conditioners, while others may only repair heaters. The HVAC schools in New Jersey offer classes designed to cover all aspects of the job so you will be prepared no matter what.

New Jersey HVAC Training

While attending one of the HVAC schools in New Jersey, you will learn the intricacies of various HVAC systems. Upon graduation, you should be able to take apart, fix, and put back together different temperature control systems. In addition, some HVAC schools in New Jersey may offer classes about specialized areas within the HVAC industry like solar panel installation and water-based heating systems.

After earning your degree, your training isn’t over. Most technicians take part in an internship or a multi-year apprenticeship program. In addition, there are several HVAC certification exams available that, when completed, can increase your employment opportunities. The HVAC schools in New Jersey can prepare you for earning an HVAC certificate and other post-graduate training.

New Jersey HVAC Salary

New Jersey is among the best places in the country to work as an HVAC technician. After attending one of the HVAC schools in New Jersey, you will already be in a state with some of the highest paying jobs in the HVAC field. The average HVAC salary in New Jersey is currently $55,560, much higher than the national average and the third highest in the country. Additionally, New Jersey has over 9,000 HVAC technicians already working in the state, and the amount of jobs is expected to grow by over 30% in the next decade. Though entering such a competitive field may seem daunting, many HVAC schools in New Jersey offer career placement assistance. Check with your enrollment agent to be sure.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.

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