HVAC Schools in Ohio

If you are ready to begin your career as an HVAC technician, the HVAC schools in Ohio are the perfect place to start. HVAC training in Ohio involves learning how to install, maintain, and repair heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. Students receive a mix of classroom learning as well as hands on training. In addition, the HVAC schools in Ohio will help prepare you for internships, apprenticeships, and the beginning of your career. Whether you want to specialize in one area of the HVAC field, or work on several different types of temperature control systems, Ohio HVAC schools have the resources to help you get started. Decide which type of degree program you would like to enroll in and browse our list of HVAC schools in Ohio below.

HVAC Technicians in Ohio

HVAC schools in Ohio will train you in all aspects of the HVAC career field. The general HVAC job description involves installing and repairing temperature control systems. Most commonly this refers to heaters, air conditioners, and refrigerators. While many HVAC technicians work with these three systems and possibly more, some specialize in just one area. In addition, some technicians only focus on installing systems or repairing them, instead of offering both services.

Most HVAC technicians work for private companies and are hired to install or repair systems in homes, office buildings, and other environments. A smaller number of technicians choose to be self-employed rather than work for a contracting company. There are benefits to either of these options, and the HVAC schools in Ohio may offer business and marketing classes to prepare you for either decision.

Ohio HVAC Training

The training you will receive at the HVAC schools in Ohio will prepare you for the installation and maintenance work performed by HVAC technicians. Your classes will be based on the different types of temperature control systems related to the job, including air distribution, water treatment, refrigeration repair, electronic systems, and more. Depending on which of the HVAC schools in Ohio you in enroll, you can earn your degree within six months to two years.

Beyond the training you receive at the HVAC schools in Ohio, you may also choose to earn an HVAC certification. There are several organizations that offer certification exams related to different fields in the HVAC industry. The HVAC schools in Ohio can help you prepare for certification, apprenticeships, and internships, and more.

Ohio HVAC Salary

After earning a degree from one of the HVAC schools in Ohio, you enter into a career field where the number of jobs is projected to increase by 34% over the next decade. The average HVAC salary in Ohio is $43,910 per year and there are over 8,000 HVAC technicians currently working in the state.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.

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