HVAC Schools in Pennsylvania

In a state with one of the highest concentrations of HVAC jobs in the country, the HVAC schools in Pennsylvania are the perfect place to start your education. HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, and the job involves installing and maintaining these systems and others. Training at HVAC schools in Pennsylvania will involve learning about how these systems work, in addition to learning how to take apart, repair, and install them.

With an education from one of the HVAC schools in Pennsylvania, you will be ready to enter one of the fastest growing job markets. With several large cities, in addition to rural communities, Pennsylvania has endless opportunities for skilled HVAC technicians. Browse our list of HVAC schools in Pennsylvania below and decide which program is right for you.

HVAC Technicians in Pennsylvania

With an education from one of the HVAC schools in Pennsylvania, you will learn the ins and outs of the HVAC career field. At its most basic, the HVAC job description involves installing and maintaining various temperature control systems. This includes heaters, refrigerators, air conditioners, and other ventilation systems. Additionally, some technicians provide services for specialized areas within the HVAC field, including solar panels and water-based heating systems.

HVAC schools in Pennsylvania will prepare you for all aspects of the HVAC career. While you may end up specializing in one area, you will learn about the inner workings of most, if not all, HVAC systems. Once you begin your career, you should have the skills to both install and repair almost any temperature control system in common use.

Pennsylvania HVAC Training

No matter which one of the HVAC schools in Pennsylvania you attend, you will take a wide range of courses covering the diverse temperature control systems that make up the HVAC field. Throughout your training, you may decide to specialize in one system or learn them all. In addition, the HVAC schools in Pennsylvania will teach you about the business side of the industry, and can provide you with tips for becoming self-employed or starting your own business.

The HVAC schools in Pennsylvania are also a great place to prepare for eventual HVAC certification. While an HVAC certificate is not required to work or graduate from HVAC schools in Pennsylvania, many people become certified in one area or another of the HVAC field. Certification exams are administered by nationally recognized HVAC organizations, and enrollment officers at HVAC schools in Pennsylvania will be able to give you more information on testing specifics.

Pennsylvania HVAC Salary

By attending one of the HVAC schools in Pennsylvania, you will be in an area with one of the highest concentrations of HVAC jobs in the country. There are currently 12,710 HVAC technicians operating in Pennsylvania. In addition, the average Pennsylvanian HVAC salary is $45,650, slightly higher than the national average. Despite the already large amount of employment opportunities available in the Keystone State, you can expect even more in the next decade as the amount of HVAC technician jobs is expected to grow by 34%.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.

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