Atlanta HVAC Technician Schools

HVAC schools in Atlanta prepare students for a diverse career field that is both in-demand and highly challenging. Nicknamed ‘The City in a Forest’, Atlanta’s thick canopy of trees combined with its humid subtropical climate makes for a weather pattern that ensures Atlantans enjoy both the Southern summers and chilly winter nights. Perhaps this is why graduates of HVAC schools in Atlanta enter into a job market with the third highest employment levels in the nation. HVAC schools in Atlanta have quality and comprehensive HVAC training programs featuring everything you need to know about various temperature control systems.

After you enroll at one of the HVAC schools in Atlanta, you could have your degree in as little as 6 months. There are several different education programs available, with various options and specializations to tailor to your needs. Check out our list of HVAC schools in Atlanta and choose the program that best matches your envisioned career path.

HVAC Technicians in Atlanta

The HVAC job description involves installing and repairing the temperature control systems found in homes and buildings. The HVAC schools in Atlanta will prepare for several different types of careers in the HVAC field. You may end up working for a private company or, with the right licensing, become a self-employed technician. The choice is yours, and there are pros and cons for both options.

Your time will be spent upgrading existing systems, analyzing problems, and replacing damaged components. Certain HVAC technicians specialize in one area of study, such as air conditioning or refrigeration repair. Others provide services for all kinds of HVAC systems. Whatever you decide to do, the HVAC schools in Atlanta will prepare you to work with most of the major HVAC systems.

Atlanta HVAC Training

At the HVAC schools in Atlanta, you will learn about the inner workings of many different types of HVAC equipment. Through your coursework, textbooks, and hands on training, you will become well versed in installing and repairing temperature control systems. Your classes will include subjects like heating installation, refrigerator repair, electrical component systems, and more. Several of the HVAC schools in Atlanta may even offer courses in specialized areas of the HVAC industry, such as solar panel repair and installation. Each HVAC school in Atlanta will be able to tell you which specialization programs they offer.

After your time at one of the HVAC schools in Atlanta, you can continue your education by earning an HVAC certificate. There are HVAC certifications available for a number of areas within the HVAC industry, and can be earned by taking a national certification exam. Unlike licensing and apprenticeships, this is not required to begin your career, but can increase your employment opportunities.

Atlanta HVAC Salary

With your degree from one of the HVAC schools in Atlanta, you will be prepared to enter a healthy and rewarding job market. The average HVAC salary in Atlanta is currently $42,790 per year, higher than the state average. Better yet, the number of HVAC jobs is expected to increase by 34% over the next decade, a rate 20% higher than most other careers. Many HVAC schools in Atlanta offer career assistance opportunities, so check with your enrollment official for more details.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.

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