Charlotte HVAC Technician Schools

About HVAC Technician Careers in Charlotte

As the demand for HVAC service technicians, installers, mechanics and engineer increases, so does the yearly earning for determined professionals who wish to enroll themselves in this career path. Some of the factors which may affect the earnings of an HVAC professional are job title, geographic location, experience and industry. So if you wish to be on top of the percentile, you’d better start looking for a school which can help you get certified.

Salary Outlook for HVAC Technicians

Charlotte is one of the few towns in North Carolina which offers the highest median salary for HVAC mechanics and installers. The average annual salary for North Carolina hvac technicians is $39,970.


It is not enough that you get your HVAC diploma or certificate; you should also ensure that the school which you are enrolled in is taken seriously in your community. Otherwise your hard work and effort will simply be wasted. So complete thorough research on every prospective school within your state before making any cash out. This will definitely save you a lot of time and money, and free you from unwanted frustrations and disappointments in the future. Here is a list of some respected and trusted educational institutions which can provide you an edge in the field of HVAC.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.