Dallas HVAC Technician Schools

If you have given any thought to changing careers now is definitely the time to go out and find something that you enjoy doing and make it your career. Jobs are great but having a career is something that cannot ever be taken away from you. Plumbers, electricians and mechanics are irreplaceable and necessary. One of the highest demands right now in the trades is for trained and certified heating ventilation and air conditioning mechanics and technicians. There are so many jobs available and out there and not enough qualified people to fill them.


Training to become a heating ventilation and air conditioning mechanic and technician takes about one year. This can vary depending on the school that you attend and the program requirements. Though certifications are similar from state to state they are not exactly the same. You may have to take a few extra classes depending on where you are seeking a license.

Classes can be taken online or in a classroom setting. Programs are available during the day or during the evening hours as well. If you find that you are more comfortable in a classroom setting then you may want to consider looking into some colleges, universities or technical schools in your area. You may find that some of the programs that are offered will give you the opportunity to gain your refrigeration license as well for a few extra classes. This may be something you consider to make yourself a bit more marketable.

There are few options for you if you reside in Dallas, TX. If you would like to find out more about what online programs are offered you should inquire about the heating, ventilation, & air conditioning program offered at Lincoln Tech. There is also a program offered at ATI Technical Institute in Dallas for air conditioning, heating & Refrigeration. Lastly, there is a program offered at Everest Institute for Residential Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Technician and this happens to be a diploma program which is bit higher than a certificate program.

For a local school in the Dallas Texas area you should consider ATI Technical Training Center in Dallas where you can go and sit in on classes in order to complete your program.

ATI Technical Training Center
6627 Maple Ave
Dallas, TX 75235
Website: www.aticareertraining.edu

Remington College - Dallas, Texas Campus
1800 Eastgate Drive
Garland, TX 75041
Website: www.remingtoncollege.edu

Vatterott Educational Centers, Inc.
9713 Harry Hines Blvd., Suite 100
Dallas, TX 75220
Website: www.vatterott-college.edu/dallas.asp


The average salary for a heating ventilation and air conditioning technician and mechanic is approximately $40,000. This salary can increase dramatically when you add in overtime hours.