Alabama HVAC Technician Schools

Picking a career or trade is not an easy decision to make. If you are in the process of making this decision for yourself there is a lot to take into consideration. Heating ventilation and air conditioning is a great field to get into today. With all of the growing changes in this field and the emphasis starting to go towards the environment and what is most energy efficient, newly trained technicians and mechanics have a new understanding of heating ventilation and air conditioning units and how they can be more energy efficient.

HVAC Technician Salary Outlook

Heating ventilation and air conditioning mechanics and technicians have very competitive salaries. In the state of Alabama the average salary for a HVAC mechanic or technician is approximately $37,910. This is the median salary which means you are likely to find job offerings that are lower and some that are higher.


Schooling for heating ventilation and air conditioning can range anywhere from 6 months to three years. It all depends on where you go, which type of certification or license you are looking to acquire and for which state you are acquiring these certificates. There are opportunities for you to study online, in a classroom, during the day or in the evening. There are many different choices and you are sure to find one that suits your needs and your schedule.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.