Alaska HVAC Technician Schools

If you have always imagined yourself working in a trade field when the time came for you to make a career choice there is no better time than now to make your decision. The heating ventilation and air conditioning field is growing and well trained technicians and mechanics are in high demand.

What Are the Education Requirements for A HVAC Technician or Mechanic?

Each state and sometimes even each county has their own requirements for licensure and certification for heating ventilation and air conditioning technicians and mechanics. Depending on where you are planning on working is what will determine the specific requirements for you. Schooling can take anywhere from six months if you have some prior technical education to three or four years if you are going for a higher degree along with your certification.

Another factor that can play a part in the length of your education is how you plan on attending school. Today you have many choices. You can go to school during the day or take evening classes. There is also the option for online education and traditional classroom training..


The average salary for heating ventilation and air conditioning mechanics in Alaska is $61,660. This is an average which means you may find a position a little below or a little higher. It is important to remember that the more education you have and the higher your training the more marketable you are and the more likely you are to get a position that will pay more and that you will like.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.