Colorado HVAC Technician Schools

HVAC schools in Colorado will get students ready to design, install, repair and maintain building systems. Students will learn hazard communication, electrical lockout, back protection and hazardous material handling. Also basic safety requirements that apply to the HVAC work settings. Specialized training is also available for system specialists, marketing personnel and power representatives. Online courses are also available for those who are currently working or require a flexible schedule.

About HVAC Technician Careers in Colorado

Colorado is showing great overall growth and so careers in the HVAC industry are in high demand. As a result this career choice has tremendous potential for individuals just beginning their work or those individuals looking for a change in their work life. Trained professionals can obtain work in new construction, home rehabilitation and commercial sectors of HVAC work.

HVAC companies in Colorado can range from small family run businesses with just a couple of employees right up to the larger contractors who employ hundreds of technicians. Working for a larger company has the advantage of being able to work your way up to supervisory positions which will have greater responsibility with a larger salary. HVAC system is a part of mechanical engineering and uses thermodynamics, heat transfer and refrigeration. Career opportunities includes the operation and maintenance, system design and construction and equipment manufacturing and sales. Depending on which area is of interest to you, it can be found in Colorado HVAC training.

Average HVAC Salaries in Colorado

Colorado’s HVAC technicians and professionals earn on average $48,770 per year, depending on age and experience. Working for larger companies also has the advantage of providing medical benefits, paid leave and holidays. Experienced HVAC technicians who specialize in a field also have the advantage of having additional income by offering their services as a consultant in the Colorado region.

Financial Aid Information

Students may be eligible for financial aid while training for their HVAC certification in Colorado. It is a good idea to get a FASA application online in order to find out about your eligibility. Check with the schools financial aid representative to obtain further information, applications and eligibility requirements.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.