Connecticut HVAC Technician Schools

There are a lot of decisions that go into choosing a career. Your career is something that is a huge part of your life. If you have not yet chosen your career and are interested in a vocational career you should really consider heating ventilation and air conditioning. There are programs available regardless of the state that you reside in and you can be finished with your training in as little as 6 months. Heating ventilation and air conditioning is a growing field and trained mechanics and technicians are now in demand.


There are a few different options when you are studying heating ventilation and air conditioning. Your educational choices are not limited to day classes at a local college or university. You have a lot of options thanks to technology and the growing amount of adults that are going back to school these days. For heating ventilation and air conditioning you can choose to attend school online or at a local college, university or technical school. You are also afforded the opportunity to take your classes during the day or in the evening. Your training should take you no longer than three years and can be as quick as 6 months. The higher the education and the more thorough your training the more marketable you are.

You will be trained in both instillation and repair and maintenance. Once you graduate and go out into the field you will find that you will concentrate more on either repairs or installation though you will be trained in both aspects of the heating ventilation and air conditioning field.


The average salary of a heating ventilation and air conditioning mechanic and technician for the Connecticut area is $55,310. This is the average salary and is not a guarantee that this is what you will be making right out of school.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.