Georgia HVAC Technician Schools

Decisions are not always easy. Making a decision like a career choice is not something that most people look forward to. Many people put it off and put it off simply out of fear of making the wrong decision. Heating ventilation and air conditioning is a great trade to get into. The field is constantly changing and growing. There is always a need for new and innovative mechanics and technicians who are knowledgeable and proficient in the newest aspect of technology and equipment.

Education Requirement

The requirements for certification and licensure for heating ventilating and air conditioning varies from state to state and furthermore from county to county. It is very important that upon your acceptance into a program that you confirm whether or not you will meet the requirement for the area that wish to work in. You will most likely be required to take a written exam as well as a practical exam upon completion of your coursework.

If you have prior technical training it can take you as little as six months to complete your training. In most cases it will take you between one and two years to finish. While you are in school you will learn all requirements for instillation as well as repair and maintenance. You will ultimately have to make a choice as to which area of the trade you want to focus on, though you will be knowledgeable of all parts of the trade.

Course Work

Course work can be completed both online and in a traditional classroom setting. It all depends on you and on what is best for you schedule and your learning style. You will most likely have the choice to enroll in daytime classes, evening classes, online classes or traditional college classes. In the state of Georgia you have a variety of program offered, both online and in the classroom.


Salaries for mechanics and technicians in the state of Georgia average $39,950. This is mainly based on the area of Georgia that you will be working in and the amount of experience you have when you are placed in a job.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.

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