Illinois HVAC Technician Schools

If you are contemplating what trade to pursue there are a few things that you should consider. Heating ventilation and air conditioning mechanics and technicians are in high demand. Well trained mechanics and technicians are hard to come by these days and once you have established yourself in this trade you are not going to want to do anything else with your career. The world is changing and with the changing times comes an industry that is doing its part to become more eco-friendly. With all of these changes comes new technology and new training. Recently trained graduates are hard to come by and a valued asset to a shop and team.


Schooling for heating ventilation and air conditioning can take anywhere from one to three years depending on the program that you are enrolled in. Classes can be taking during the day or in the evening depending on your schedule and can also be taken online or at a local college, university or technical school. The decision is yours. If you choose to take your classes in the evening rather than during the day chance are it might take you a bit longer to complete. The advantage to taking classes during the evening is that it permits you to work during the day.


The average salary for a heating ventilation and air conditioning mechanic or technician in the state of Illinois is approximately $54,330.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.