Indiana HVAC Technician Schools

Now is an ideal time to look into training as an HVAC technician in Indiana. Indiana is growing and the potential is there for a great career in the HVAC industry. There is plenty of work available in commercial sector as well as new construction. If you are looking for a career change or entering the job market, you can do a lot worse than a HVAC professional in Indiana. You have the choice of working for small family run contractors where everyone is a tight team right through to large national contractors with hundreds of technicians. Indians HVAC contractors generally are found among the largest cities, with a few smaller contractors operating in the rural area of the state.

About HVAC Technician Jobs

Career opportunities in HVAC can be broken down into several categories. Sales and marketing, service and maintenance, equipment manufacturing. Whatever area that you are interested you will be able to find the exact training you need in Indiana HVAC schools.

Salaries for HVAC technicians in Indiana

Salaries vary greatly for HVAC technicians in Indiana. A great deal depends on experience and age of the technician. Also the pay scale will be larger in the bigger cites. Generally speaking you can expect an average salary of $42,800. Most company’s also offer benefits such as sick days and paid vacations. Experienced technicians can also boost their income by taking on consulting work in the Indiana area.

Indiana’s Requirements for HVAC Certification

Each state does have its own certification standards entry requirements. Generally speaking a high school diploma is needed, but if you have any doubts speak with the admissions department. The core elements and modules consist of:

  • Heating
  • Air conditioning
  • Ventilation

Courses are also available online which may suite a busy lifestyle better.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.