Iowa HVAC Technician Schools

Decisions aren’t always easy. When you are making a decision about your life and your career there is a lot you need to consider. If you have always thought that you would work in a trade there are many to choose from. Heating ventilation and air conditioning is a great field to get into. With all of the developments recently and the demand for energy efficient units and trained mechanics and technicians to install and maintain them newly trained heating ventilation and air conditioning mechanics are in high demand.


The training and schooling to become a heating ventilation and air conditioning mechanic and technician varies from state to state. The requirements are not always the same and neither are the tests and certifications. That is why it is extremely important that you get your training and education at a school that is going to prepare you for the certification and license tests that you are going to need in order for you to work in the location that you wish.

Schooling should take somewhere between a year and three years. It could be less is you have some prior education and could be more if you take your classes at a slower pace than recommended by the program you are enrolled in. Schooling can be done during the evening hours or during the day and you will also have the opportunity to take classes online or in a more traditional classroom setting at a college, university or technical school.


The average starting salary for a heating ventilation and air conditioning mechanic or technician in the state of Iowa is approximately $45,930.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.