Rhode Island HVAC Technician Schools

Rhode Island’s HVAC technicians have plentiful job opportunities. A career in HVAC may be a great option for you. HVAC is the acronym for the field of Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning. The discipline of HVAC is mainly concerned with the comfort of indoor and automotive environments. This field is a part of mechanical engineering. The right mix of quality education, hands on training, and diligent experience will yield good results.

A quality HVAC technician educational program will help you develop the skills necessary to install, repair, and maintain industrial, maintain residential, and commercial heating and cooling systems. You will be able to perform regular maintenance on these heating and cooling systems. A long career is possible within the HVAC profession. Earning a HVAC diploma and securing experience will enable you to advance rapidly. Many advance to higher paying supervisory positions or open their own HVAC businesses. There is no shortage of options for the trained HVAC professional.

HVAC Salaries in Rhode Island

Salaries in Rhode Island for HVAC technician specialists average around $51,050. A survey was done in 2008 to determine this salary data. This figure does not factor in years of experience. Salaries tend to increase with increased skill and responsibility.

Rhode Island’s Educational Requirements for HVAC Technicians

Rhode Island requires a HVAC Technician to be certified through a technical training program or through an apprenticeship program. The HVAC license enables a technician to be able to operate and maintain various equipment in this profession. Most HVAC programs in Rhode Island take from 6 months to 2 years to complete.

The following list of classes are the core coursework requirements for a HVAC diploma: installation and maintenance of HVAC systems, construction of equipment, design of equipment, electronics, furnace materials and installation, and cutting and soldering pipes.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.