Michigan HVAC Technician Schools

Heating ventilating and air conditioning is an ever changing trade to get into. Many manufacturing companies are doing their part to help the environment by trying to make heating, air purification and air conditioning units more energy efficient and better for our environment. Recently trained and certified technicians and mechanics are high in demand. If you have ever considered going into the field of heating ventilating and air conditioning there is no better time than now.


The average median salary for heating ventilation and air conditioning technicians and mechanics varies from state to state and county to county for that matter. In the state of Michigan the average salary for HVAC technicians is approximately $46,890.

Education for HVAC technicians and Mechanics

The education process varies from state to state depending on the requirements for certification and licensure. For the most part, your education should take you anywhere from six months to four years depending on how many classes you take per semester and whether or not you go to school during the day or in the evening. Another factor in your education is whether or not you choose to take your classes online or in a traditional classroom setting at a local college, university or technical school.

Career Choices

While you are training for you position in HVAC you will learn both the art of instillation as well as maintenance and repair. Once your complete your training and get a job you will most likely make a choice as to which area you wish to specialize in.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.