Wyoming HVAC Technician Schools

Most HVAC schools in Wyoming last between one and two years. There are online courses available that may allow you to work around your busy schedule. See what Wyoming HVAC schools are available below.

About Wyoming’s HVAC Technician Profession

Demand has increased for HVAC technicians in Wyoming making it a great career choice. HVAC technicians are able to choose work in several sectors such as new home construction, service and maintenance, commercial and sales. A fully licensed HVAC professional can find work with great pay and benefits, offering the potential for a long lasting career in Wyoming. HVAC technicians have a great deal of choice in their working environment. HVAC firms in larger cities are can be found easier than in small towns. The larger population and greater commercial buildings to service are the lifeblood of HVAC work in Wyoming.

Apprenticeships are available for those entering the HVAC profession in Wyoming. Many employers offer these programs as an incentive to find good HVAC employees. There are numerous areas that you can choose to work in within the HVAC industry. When considering your training look at the areas available to you such as manufacturing, servicing, new construction or sales. As a general rule an experienced HVAC technician in Wyoming can expect an average salary of $40,170 a year putting them in the middle bracket of average national salaries.

HVAC Licensing Requirements in Wyoming

To qualify for HVAC licensing in Wyoming candidates must be skilled in the trade and pass an examination. Examinations can differ from state to state so, be sure to check out the exact requirements in your state. Apprenticeship programs may be available with some employers, which is a great way to earn money whilst training and getting experience. Some examples of modules offered are:

  • Electricity
  • Heating
  • Air conditioning
  • Ventilation and installation

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.