HVAC Schools in Maryland

For those looking to jump head first into the HVAC industry, the HVAC schools in Maryland are a terrific option. The training provided by the HVAC schools in Maryland prepare students for a number of career paths in this exciting field. With technological advancements and new environmental regulations, most employers prefer to hire technicians who have graduated from a formal education program. Depending on which of the HVAC schools in Maryland you enroll in, you could finish your program in 6 months to 2 years. Your HVAC training in Maryland will involve learning how to install and repair various temperature control systems, like heaters and air conditioners. Explore our list of HVAC schools in Maryland below and enroll in one today!

HVAC Technicians in Maryland

HVAC technicians are expected to work in a number of different environments, on any number of different systems. Coursework at HVAC schools in Maryland is built around the main tasks associated with the HVAC job description. These tasks include installation, repair, and maintenance of temperature control systems. Some technicians choose to work on all HVAC systems, while others specialize in one or two.

With so many career specializations available, HVAC schools in Maryland design curriculum that covers all of the different types of HVAC careers available. While a majority of graduates from HVAC schools in Maryland find work as contractors, HVAC technicians are also often times either self-employed or find work at heating and air conditioning wholesalers installing newly purchased systems. While each type of employment has its benefits and detractors, HVAC schools in Maryland you attend will help you decide which area of work you want to focus on within this field as well as any level of advanced training you wish to pursue like solar panel installation and other specialties.

Maryland HVAC Training

The training you receive at the HVAC schools in Maryland will include a mix of coursework and hands on training giving students a working knowledge of the most common HVAC systems. Some of the classes might include mechanical drawing, air conditioning repair, electrical system maintenance, and more.

After attending one of the HVAC schools in Maryland, your skills will continue to develop. After graduating, several of the ways HVAC technicians continue their training include enrolling in an internship or apprenticeship program. Additionally, many technicians choose to seek HVAC certification. Different organizations offer certification exams that cover most aspects of the HVAC industry. The HVAC schools in Maryland may be able to offer your training courses or practice tests to help you prepare.

Maryland HVAC Salary

In Maryland, the average HVAC salary is $49,940 per year, higher than the national average and one of the highest in the country. The areas throughout Maryland and nearby states have some of the highest concentrations of HVAC workers with high paying jobs. Additionally, the HVAC job market is expected to grow by 34% over the next decade. Attending one of the HVAC schools in Maryland can prepare you for a future in this hot career field that shows no sign of cooling off anytime in the near future.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.

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