HVAC Schools in District of Columbia

HVAC schools in District of Columbia offer hands-on career training in every facet of the HVAC field. Dedicated instructors ensure that graduates of HVAC schools in District of Columbia are familiar with maintaining and installing heaters, air conditioners, refrigerators, and other temperature control systems. HVAC schools in District of Columbia offer some of the most in-demand HVAC training in the nation as Washington DC is home to a large concentration of high paying HVAC jobs.

The time it takes from enrollment to graduation date can vary depending on which one of the HVAC schools in District of Columbia you choose and how much advanced training you want to undergo. Some programs can be completed in 6 months, while others may take a couple of years. Use the list below to contact individual HVAC schools in District of Columbia and ask enrollment agents for information on deciding which program is right for you.

HVAC Technicians in District of Columbia

While the HVAC job description can vary, it mainly involves the installation, maintenance, and repair of various temperature control systems. The HVAC schools in District of Columbia will prepare you for all aspects of the job, although some technicians choose to specialize in a specific area. Because technicians are called upon to work on systems in different locations, your work environment will change constantly. A typical assignment could take place anywhere from the office of a politician, an office building or a private residence. With such varied work environments, it becomes clear just how important it is that you select one of the HVAC schools in District of Columbia with the most extensive curriculum.

District of Columbia HVAC Training

Regardless of which of the HVAC schools in District of Columbia you choose, your typical training will consist of a mixture of lectures, coursework and hands on training sessions. Although the specific course list varies amongst the HVAC schools in District of Columbia, you can expect to take classes dealing with various HVAC systems such as heaters, air conditioners, and refrigerators. Additionally, the HVAC schools in District of Columbia may offer classes on specialized HVAC systems like solar panels. No matter your area of focus, you can still expect to learn the inner workings of most modern HVAC equipment.

Upon earning your degree or certificate from one of the HVAC schools in District of Columbia, you may decide to further your education by enrolling in an internship or apprenticeship program. You can also increase your career opportunities by earning an HVAC certification from one of the two main certification boards. Contact the HVAC schools in District of Columbia to learn more about national certification exams as well as to find out what type of licensing is required before you can begin work in DC.

District of Columbia HVAC Salary

By attending one of the HVAC schools in District of Columbia, not only will you be in the heart of our nation’s capital, but also amongst some of the highest paid HVAC job opportunities. The average HVAC salary for technicians in Washington DC is $59,090 per year, the second highest in the nation. While there may be few technicians working directly in DC itself, the surrounding areas, including Maryland and Virginia, are home to one of the highest concentrations of HVAC jobs across the country.

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.

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